Superintendent’s Superstars: Students uplift their school, community

Superintendent's Superstars: Students uplift their school, community

Since they were little children, Presley Babshoff and Gabriel Borges, both juniors at Kerman High School, have attended school together in Kerman Unified School District. Throughout the years, each student has independently contributed to their school and community, while also supporting each other’s endeavors and success. They’ve made each other better through their friendship and have served as examples to others that hard work, perseverance, kindness and respect elevate everyone.

Presley aspires to “become a good, respectful person who inspires other people to always do their best in life.” She has a GPA of 4.1 and is a leader in Kerman 4-H, outstanding varsity water polo player and dedicated to community service with a kind heart especially for helping children and animals. Both her and Gabriel are 4-H Junior Camp Counselors.

Gabriel has a GPA of 3.96 and is also a leader in Kerman 4-H, while being involved in cross-county, swim and volunteering in the community. His positive character is contagious to those around him. He enjoys helping younger children as a camp counselor because “it creates good memories for them.” Gabriel is also proud of his work to help coordinate a canned food drive during the pandemic to minimize food insecurity for those in need.