Johnson honored as January Employee of the Month

Johnson honored as January Employee of the Month

It is with pleasure that we honor Megan Johnson, Special Day Class Teacher in the CIRCLE program in the Special Education department, as the January 2019 Employee of the Month.

Megan is assigned to a third through fifth grade classroom for students with autism located at Lincoln Elementary School in the Kings Canyon Unified School District. When she started teaching at the school four years ago, she quickly assimilated into the cultures of both the Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools and Kings Canyon Unified School District.

In addition to her regular staff meetings at FCSS, Megan also volunteers to attend meetings with her KCUSD colleagues. Through these volunteer meetings, she learns about activities and opportunities available to her students that would have otherwise been unknown. Because of this additional information, her students have participated in grade level field trips into the community, fundraisers, award assemblies and visual and performing arts activities. Additionally, she builds relationships with fellow teachers at Lincoln and ensures that her students are mainstreamed to the maximum extend that is appropriate.

Megan has demonstrated excellence in providing access to the curriculum for every one of her students. She is proficient with the adopted curricular program Unique and has agreed to volunteer to train other FCSS teachers. Megan has also emerged as the point person for the appropriate use of accommodations and modifications on the California Smarter Balanced assessment.  

“Our students have both high and low skills. It’s exciting to take their struggles and make it their strengths,” said Megan. “Seeing our students’ faces light up brings me so much joy.”