Gonzalez honored as November Employee of the Month

Gonzalez honored as November Employee of the Month

It is with pleasure that we honor Christina Gonzalez, Paraeducator II in the Special Education department, as the November 2018 Employee of the Month.

Christina works in the Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools’ program at Selma High School for students who have social, emotional and behavioral needs. These students come to the school in large part due to some type of trauma they have experienced in their lives that makes accessing their education that much more challenging for them. They rely on a committed, caring group of educators to support them on a daily basis and Christina exemplifies one of those people.

Christina always puts forth her utmost effort to help students on a daily basis. She has the passion and compassion for students with the greatest needs. Christina cares about them deeply and is always willing to listen with an open heart to whatever challenges her students bring to school each day.

Christina supports them with their academics and is first to jump in when they need help with their school work. She is highly dependable and is willing to do whatever is asked of her in the classroom. She is respected by her peers and contributes excellent ideas to improve the way the classroom is managed. Christina is an exceptional employee, which is matched only by the extraordinary heart she has for the students and classroom she serves.

“The most rewarding part of my job is seeing kids’ needs met,” said Christina. “Our students have challenges and once they get where they need to be, it makes me happy.”